Saturday, February 14, 2009

Old Truck

Today, I sold my Blazer. I sold it to one of my good friends from high school, and I know he should enjoy it just as much as I did. It was my first vehicle. I payed every bit of that $500 myself. My dad and I spent the better part of the two months after i got my drivers license working on that thing in my uncle's garage. A crankshaft, a water pump, belts, hoses, battery, starter, solenoid, a set of tires, and a cd player, later it was fit for the road. It was the best truck I could have ever have asked for to start out with. I had it for just over two years. I've had a lot of memories with that thing, in the seemingly short 12,000 miles that I put on it. In the end I put more money in that thing to keep it on the road, than I had originally paid for it and more than it was really worth.

It wasn't the fastest thing around. It wasn't the biggest, most lifted, and loud thing. But I loved it. It was my truck, no one else's but mine.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Some Kind of Consistency

(Originally written 7/22/08)
I like consistency. Dependability. Knowing what I am going to get when I pay for it. Sometimes it's nice not know, just going with the mystery. Although, most of life is that way.
But I'm talking about me and other people really when I say consistency. I try to hold my self up to that kind of standard. Where that way people would not wonder about me. Lose faith in me because they'd think that I'm capable of disappointing or discouraging them.
Consistency in a person is a good thing. It's the element of knowing them. - Take God for instance. I know Him, and I want to know Him because I know He'll always be the same and feel the same. - But with others though, I like to feel that trust in them. When they know I'm consistent they can trust me. Be invested in. I love to deliver on that. To bring home the gold because people knew I could.
The problem is though, for so many people and so much of the time with myself, the consistency is not there. I'm hypocritical. I fall short of goodness, of expectations, of loving fully, from delivering as promised. All of that is pretty self evident.
Fortunately, people that I know have the capability to forgive me. I do too for others. This is great, all well and good, but it is not really from themselves. But from God. His grace found throughout His forgiveness. And it is only available through Jesus, His son, through whom God made it available to us, through repentance and faith in Him. That He forgave us of our sins and took the punishment on Himself. All the ramifications from a life full of inconsistency was put on Him who was put on the cross to die for it all. But He rose again. So that by that we all would be made new. Our inconsistencies would be overlooked, and we are given a new and clean slate. A new face with God. One that when He looks, He only sees goodness, love, and perfect grace. The face of Christ. And that face is constant, consistent. That's why I put value in consistency.